Improve the way the collection listings (table view) are displayed

Under consideration

Right now on the Collection Listings by default I can see all the fields (defined in the Content Type).
There are a few problems:

  • If I have (and I do have) more than 10 fields, then the listings (table view) becomes useless (is very difficult to understand anything because all fields get trimmed)
  • Even if I adjust the columns width for each field, this is not saved.
  • If I attach a image on a Media field, I can't get/view a thumbnail unless I click on the appropriate link icon
  • A table view is not always appropriate for all content types

What I expect:

  • Be able to check/uncheck what fields are visible in listing
  • Adjust the width of a column and be able to reorder columns and save the state
  • Save/reuse filters
  • Be able to check what image (media field) to be displayed in the listing as a thumbnail
  • Provide multiple view types like: list, grid, table (look at Airtable/DatoCMS for instance)

1 year ago

Flotiq changed status to Under consideration

1 year ago


Hey, thank you for your comment.
We will try to implement your suggestions!

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